Behind Dry Falls



Creating this 180-degree wide panoramic image turned into quite a drama. The curiously named Dry Falls, near Cashiers, is one of the few waterfalls one can walk behind. Not a lot of room back there, though. And, as added attractions, visitors get buffeted by windy spray and even more water dripping from a low rocky ceiling. Capturing this scene required scrunching uncomfortably under that dripping ceiling, perhaps five feet tall at best. Not easy for some person six feet tall. But with assistance from my Cashiers painter friend David Berger, holding a towel overhead to try to keep the camera dry, here's the scene. Look at the right middle part of fence and you'll see water droplets on the camera lens. Decided against removing them with Photoshop; they help reflect the wet and wild experience. Going to Western Carolina? See this piece along with David Berger's paintings and, as well, jewelry created by his wife Julie at their Mountain Mist Gallery in Cashiers.

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